Am 04.11. um 10 Uhr hält Prof. Dr. Juergen Czarske (Faculty Electrical and Computer Engineering/Faculty of Physics/BIOLAS, TU Dresden) in Raum 001 (LNQE) einen Vortrag zum Thema:
Optical fibers are the backbone of internet. Quantum Key Distribution (QKD), a transmission of keys that are sent between Alice and Bob, achieves security based on quantum mechanics. Entanglement was outlined by Einstein et al. and leading to nonlocal correlations for teleportation in communication (spooky action at a distance). Due to the non-cloning theorem secure data transmission is guaranteed. However, the key rate is many orders of magnitude lower than in classical communication systems. Multimode fibers show promise for improving data rates, but come with the challenge of compensating for scattering effects due to mode conversions. Physics-informed deep learning enables to correct the mode scattering. Perspectives for quantum communication will be discussed.
“Multimode Optical Interconnects on Silicon Interposer Enable Confidential Hardware-to-Hardware Communication”, Sensors, 2023, mdpi
“Lensless fiber endomicroscopy in biomedicine”, Perspective, PhotonicX of Nature, 2024
“AI-driven projection tomography with multicore fibre-optic cell rotation”. Nature Communications, 15, (2024)
“Securing Data in Multimode Fibers by Exploiting Mode-Dependent Light Propagation Effects”, Research, (2023)
“Quantitative phase imaging through an ultra-thin lensless fiber endoscope”, Light: Science and Applications of Nature Publishing (2022)
“Intensity-only Mode Decomposition on Multimode Fibers using a Densely Connected Convolutional Network”, IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, (2021)