Publikationen aus dem Institut für Festkörperphysik

Zeige Ergebnisse 81 - 100 von 1154


Morlier, A., Lim, B., Blankemeyer, S., Schulte-Huxel, H., Witteck, R., Daschinger, T., Bräunig, S., Köntges, M., & Brendel, R. (2022). Photovoltaic Modules with the Look and Feel of a Stone Façade for Building Integration. Solar RRL, 6(5), Artikel 2100356.
Nasebandt, L., Min, B., Hollemann, C., Hübner, S., Dippell, T., Peibst, R., & Brendel, R. (2022). Sputtered Phosphorus-Doped poly-Si on Oxide Contacts for Screen-Printed Si Solar Cells. Solar RRL, 6(9), Artikel 2200409.
Pang, Y., Li, H., Zhang, S., Ma, Q., Peng, X., Wang, R., Zhai, Y., Li, H., Kang, H., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, L., Zhou, T., & Zhang, C. (2022). Conjugated porous polyimide poly(2,6-diaminoanthraquinone) benzamide with good stability and high-performance as a cathode for sodium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 10(3), 1514–1521.
Peibst, R., Rienäcker, M., Larionova, Y., Folchert, N., Haase, F., Hollemann, C., Wolter, S., Krügener, J., Bayerl, P., Bayer, J., Dzinnik, M., Haug, R. J., & Brendel, R. (2022). Towards 28 %-efficient Si single-junction solar cells with better passivating POLO junctions and photonic crystals. Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 238, Artikel 111560.
Peterssen, F., Schlemminger, M., Lohr, C., Niepelt, R., Bensmann, A., Hanke-Rauschenbach, R., & Brendel, R. (2022). Hydrogen supply scenarios for a climate neutral energy system in Germany. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(28), 13515-13523.
Rani, C., Tanwar, M., Ghosh, T., Kandpal, S., Pathak, D. K., Chaudhary, A., Yogi, P., Saxena, S. K., & Kumar, R. (2022). Raman Spectroscopy as a Simple yet Effective Analytical Tool for Determining Fermi Energy and Temperature Dependent Fermi Shift in Silicon. Analytical chemistry, 94(3), 1510-1514.
Ricci, F., Cuairan, M. T., Schell, A. W., Hebestreit, E., Rica, R. A., Meyer, N., & Quidant, R. (2022). A Chemical Nanoreactor Based on a Levitated Nanoparticle in Vacuum. ACS NANO, 16(6), 8677-8683.
Ruben Vogt, M., Riechelmann, S., Gracia-Amillo, A. M., Driesse, A., Kokka, A., Maham, K., Karha, P., Kenny, R., Schinke, C., Bothe, K., Blakesley, J., Music, E., Plag, F., Friesen, G., Corbellini, G., Riedel-Lyngskar, N., Valckenborg, R., Schweiger, M., & Herrmann, W. (2022). PV Module Energy Rating Standard IEC 61853-3 Intercomparison and Best Practice Guidelines for Implementation and Validation. IEEE journal of photovoltaics, 12(3), 844-852.
Schlemminger, M., Ohrdes, T., Schneider, E., & Knoop, M. (2022). Dataset on electrical single-family house and heat pump load profiles in Germany. Scientific data, 9(1), Artikel 56.,
Soeriyadi, A. H., Hollemann, C., Madumelu, C., Haase, F., Römer, U., Brendel, R., Peibst, R., & Hallam, B. J. (2022). Impact of Firing and Capping Layers on Long-term Stability of Doped Poly-Si Passivating Contact Layers. In R. Brendel, C. Ballif, S. Dubois, S. Glunz, G. Hahn, J. Poortmans, P. Verlinden, & A. Weeber (Hrsg.), SiliconPV 2021 - 11th International Conference on Crystalline Silicon Photovoltaics Artikel 050006 (AIP Conference Proceedings; Band 2487). American Institute of Physics Inc..
Sterin, P., Abaspour, L., Lonnemann, J. G., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Huebner, J., & Oestreich, M. (2022). Temperature-dependent electron spin relaxation at the metal-to-insulator transition in n-type GaAs. Physical Review B, 106(12), Artikel 125202.
Sun, T. J., Sterin, P., Lengert, L., Nawrath, C., Jetter, M., Michler, P., Ji, Y., Hübner, J., & Oestreich, M. (2022). Non-equilibrium spin noise spectroscopy of a single quantum dot operating at fiber telecommunication wavelengths. Journal of applied physics, 131(6), Artikel 065703.
Tashima, T., Takashima, H., Schell, A. W., Tran, T. T., Aharonovich, I., & Takeuchi, S. (2022). Hybrid device of hexagonal boron nitride nanoflakes with defect centres and a nano-fibre Bragg cavity. Scientific reports, 12(1), Artikel 96.
Thole, L., Belke, C., Locmelis, S., Behrens, P., & Haug, R. J. (2022). Electrical Properties of Thin ZrSe3Films for Device Applications. ACS Omega, 7(44), 39913-39916.
Tieben, P., Bahrami, N., Dobariya, H., & Schell, A. W. (2022). Probing the Energetic Properties of Single Photon Emitters in hBN via Multi-Color Excitation. In Quantum 2.0, QUANTUM 2022 Artikel QTu2A.33 (Optics InfoBase Conference Papers). Optica Publishing Group (formerly OSA).
Vanhove, R., Lootens, L., Van Damme, M., Wolf, R., Osborne, T. J., Haegeman, J., & Verstraete, F. (2022). Critical Lattice Model for a Haagerup Conformal Field Theory. Physical review letters, 128(23), Artikel 231602.,
Walter, D. C., Voronkov, V. V., Falster, R., Bredemeier, D., & Schmidt, J. (2022). On the kinetics of the exchange of hydrogen between hydrogen-boron pairs and hydrogen dimers in crystalline silicon. Journal of applied physics, 131(16), Artikel 165702.
Wang, T., Ehre, F., Weiss, T. P., Veith-Wolf, B., Titova, V., Valle, N., Melchiorre, M., Ramírez, O., Schmidt, J., & Siebentritt, S. (2022). Diode Factor in Solar Cells with Metastable Defects and Back Contact Recombination. Advanced energy materials, 12(44), Artikel 2202076.
Wang, Y., Bushmakin, V., Stein, G. A., Schell, A. W., & Gerhardt, I. (2022). Optical Ramsey spectroscopy on a single molecule. OPTICA, 9(4), 374-378.
Wetzel, G., Salomon, L., Krügener, J., Bredemeier, D., & Peibst, R. (2022). High time resolution measurement of solar irradiance onto driving car body for vehicle integrated photovoltaics. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 30(5), 543-551.