Publikationen aus dem Institut für Festkörperphysik

Zeige Ergebnisse 101 - 120 von 1154


Winter, M., Walter, D. C., Min, B., Peibst, R., Brendel, R., & Schmidt, J. (2022). Light and elevated temperature induced degradation and recovery of gallium-doped Czochralski-silicon solar cells. Scientific reports, 12(1), Artikel 8089.
Yang, J., Fandrich, T., Benthin, F., Keil, R., Sharma, N. L., Nie, W., Hopfmann, C., Schmidt, O. G., Zopf, M., & Ding, F. (2022). Photoneutralization of charges in GaAs quantum dot based entangled photon emitters. Physical Review B, 105(11), Artikel 115301.,
Yang, J., Zopf, M., Li, P., Sharma, N. L., Nie, W., Benthin, F., Fandrich, T., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Hopfmann, C., Keil, R., Schmidt, O. G., & Ding, F. (2022). Statistical limits for entanglement swapping with semiconductor entangled photon sources. Physical Review B, 105(23), Artikel 235305.
Yogi, P., Koch, J., Sanna, S., & Pfnür, H. (2022). Electronic phase transitions in quasi-one-dimensional atomic chains: Au wires on Si(553). Physical Review B, 105(23), Artikel 235407.
Zhang, C., Li, H., Zeng, X., Xi, S., Wang, R., Zhang, L., Liang, G., Davey, K., Liu, Y., Zhang, L., Zhang, S., & Guo, Z. (2022). Accelerated Diffusion Kinetics in ZnTe/CoTe2 Heterojunctions for High Rate Potassium Storage. Advanced energy materials, 12(41), Artikel 2202577.
Zhao, Z., Ding, L., Hinterding, R., Mundstock, A., Belke, C., Haug, R. J., Wang, H., & Feldhoff, A. (2022). MXene assisted preparation of well-intergrown ZIF-67 membrane for helium separation. Journal of membrane science, 652, Artikel 120432.


Abaspour, L. (2021). Electron and Nuclear Spin Dynamics in n-GaAs. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Abdelbarey, D., Koch, J., Kröger, P., Yogi, P., Tegenkamp, C., & Pfnür, H. (2021). Magnetoconductance in epitaxial bismuth quantum films: Beyond weak (anti)localization. Physical Review B, 104(7), Artikel 075431.
Ali, A. B., Slawig, D., Schlosser, A., Koch, J., Bigall, N.-C., Renz, F., Tegenkamp, C., & Sindelar, R. (2021). Polyacrylonitrile (PAN) based electrospun carbon nanofibers (ECNFs): Probing the synergistic effects of creep assisted stabilization and CNTs addition on graphitization and low dimensional electrical transport. Carbon, 172, 283-295.
Bayerl, P., Folchert, N., Bayer, J., Dzinnik, M., Hollemann, C., Brendel, R., Peibst, R., & Haug, R. J. (2021). Contacting a single nanometer-sized pinhole in the interfacial oxide of a poly-silicon on oxide (POLO) solar cell junction. Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications, 29(8), 936-942.
Belke, C., Locmelis, S., Thole, L., Schmidt, H., Behrens, P., & Haug, R. J. (2021). Thickness-dependent gap energies in thin layers of Hf Te5. 2D Materials, 8(3), Artikel 035029.
Belke, C. (2021). Untersuchung von Dünnschicht-Übergangsmetall-Chalkogeniden hinsichtlich ihrer elektrischen Eigenschaften. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.
Bockhorn, L., Rode, J. C., Gnörich, L., Zuo, P., Brechtken, B., & Haug, R. J. (2021). Interlayer configurations of self-assembled folded graphene. Applied physics letters, 118(17), Artikel 173101.
Brange, F., Schmidt, A., Bayer, J. C., Wagner, T., Flindt, C., & Haug, R. J. (2021). Controlled emission time statistics of a dynamic single-electron transistor. Science advances, 7(2), Artikel eabe0793.
Bredemeier, D., Schinke, C., Gewohn, T., Wagner-Mohnsen, H., Niepelt, R., & Brendel, R. (2021). Fast Evaluation of Rooftop and Façade PV Potentials Using Backward Ray Tracing and Machine Learning. In 2021 IEEE 48th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference: PVSC 2021 (S. 294-299). (Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference). Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc..
Bruschi, D. E., Paraoanu, G. S., Fuentes, I., Wilhelm, F. K., & Schell, A. W. (2021). General solution of the time evolution of two interacting harmonic oscillators. Physical Review A, 103(2), Artikel 023707.
Bruschi, D. E., Chatzinotas, S., Wilhelm, F. K., & Schell, A. W. (2021). Spacetime effects on wavepackets of coherent light. Physical Review D, 104(8), Artikel 085015.
Bushmakin, V., Wang, Y., Stein, G., Schell, A. W., Wrachtrup, J., & Gerhardt, I. (2021). Plug-and-play fiber coupled single emitters under cryogenic conditions. In G. Lesovik, V. Vinokur, & M. Perelshtein (Hrsg.), MIPT (PHYSTECH) - QUANT 2020 Artikel 030002 (AIP Conference Proceedings; Band 2362). American Institute of Physics Inc..
Cao, X., Yang, J., Li, P., Zhang, Y., Rugeramigabo, E. P., Brechtken, B., Haug, R. J., Zopf, M., & Ding, F. (2021). Single photon emission from ODT passivated near-surface GaAs quantum dots. Applied physics letters, 118(22), Artikel 221107.
Dittrich, A. (2021). Entwicklung thermochromer Absorberbeschichtungen und -konzepte für den Einsatz in Solarkollektoren. [Dissertation, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Universität Hannover]. Leibniz Universität Hannover.